World Cemeteries

The Polish Memorial in Palmiry

The military cemetery - the Mausoleum of Palmyra - is a beautiful and at the same time sad, mysterious necropolis located in the Kampinos National Park near the Palmyra village in the Mazovian Voivodeship, about 30 km from Warsaw. The necropolis has the status of a national memorial. It is estimated that more than 2,000 bodies were buried here, killed in mass executions during the Second World War. Next door, in 1973, was the Palmyri Museum of Struggle and Martyrdom, which since January 2010 has been called the Palmyri Memorial Museum, a branch of the Historical Museum of the capital city of Warsaw. The branch of the museum collects collections - photographs, documents and souvenirs related to victims of Nazi executions. The space was designed among trees - silent witnesses to the tragedy of a long time ago.

